No Class are performing a tribute to Motörhead this Friday night at the Burn In Hell 2021! - New Year's Rockin' Eve at Ding Dong Lounge and features members from Deathnir, Black Alpine, Blood Buffalo and Skitch Hiker, to name a few. Drew Bang from Ding Dong Lounge caught up with them ahead of their show.
Drew Bang: Tell us about your band and how long have you been together?
Brad: We’re a Motörhead tribute band called No Class. We’re completely fresh but have played a few shows together as $20 Nose Bleed, which played a few Motörhead tracks.
Banjo: [Since] yesterday?
Chops: We've been together now for 40 years. Nah, we started playing together about a year ago in $20 Nosebleed.

Drew Bang: What other bands do you/have you played in?
Brad: I play in a metal band called Deathnir and I also play in Harbinger who will be playing the Metallica set at the show. I’ve had the pleasure of playing with heaps of other Rock & Roll and metal bands.
Banjo: I’ll tell you later.
Chops: Currently in Blood Buffalo and Skitch Hiker. Was in Traitors Fate and $20 Nosebleed.
Drew Bang: What's your favourite Motörhead album?
Brad: It’s a toss up between Self-titled and Ace Of Spades.
Banjo: Motörhead
Chops: That's a very tough question. Either No Sleep ‘Til Hammersmith, Overkill or Ace Of Spades. Can't choose.

Drew Bang: What's your favourite Motorhead song?
Brad: Fast & Loose.
Banjo: Motörhead.
Chops: We Are The Road Crew.
Drew Bang: So when you're not listening to Motörhead, what else are you listening to?
Brad: I’m partial to Extreme Metal, I’ve been listening to a bunch of Venom and early Slayer lately.
Banjo: Shrek 2 soundtrack.
Chops: A lot of Thin Lizzy, Idles and Beep Beep & The Spaghetts.
Drew Bang: What do you drink when you're down at Ding Dong?
Brad: At the moment I’m partial to whatever Stout is on tap, funnily enough I think it’s the Boneface Ace Of Spades at the moment. Goes down beautifully and at 7% it has a decent whack to it. Shots of Tequila, Fireball or Black Sambucca also go down a treat.
Banjo: Soap.
Chops: Either Lion Red quart bottles taped to my hands, Jameson ‘n’ Coke or Tequila.

Drew Bang: What can we expect from your performance this Friday night?
Brad: We’re gonna bring a high intensity, in your face set of Motörhead classics to kick the night off. You don’t wanna miss this!
Banjo: Chops will be doing a TED talk about Seahorses before the show. He knows a lot about Seahorses.
Chops: An energetic rendition of Motörhead classics. We'll be taking no prisoners. Also according to Banjo, I'll be doing a TED talk about Seahorses. Don’t miss it.
No Class play Burn In Hell 2021! - New Year's Rockin' Eve at 10:30pm this Friday night.